I think it's just prettier.
I got to thinking recently that if you were given a choice of two months during a year that you could live, which ones would they be? One rule would be that only so many people could actually occupy that month, so if it was full, you'd need to select an alternate.
Most of us would probably choose May, or perhaps June.
I'd go for October, with June a close second.
A lot of folks like the holidays, so they'd go for December. I doubt anybody would select January or February. Maybe February, if you have a Valentine's sweetie.
The worst month is August. It's seedy, hot and buggy.
November and April are the wild cards. Unpredictable but interesting because of that.
September is rather interesting and it's back to school. For the university student, that should be a wonderful time. I always liked the fall. Many of my most pleasant memories occurred during the first weeks of autumn at the university.
March can go out like a lamb it it likes. I endure it.
July would be nice if it were quiet.

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