Welcome to the show

I have decided to invite my friends to visit the blog. This didn't come as much of a shock to me, once I realized I needed to establish a definition of "friends" that could loosely be associated with an opinion blog.
Blogs are rather curious tools that feed our own sense of security in the world. When nobody else is paying attention, we've written down our thoughts, posted them on the ever-permanent Internet and left them there for everyone to see.
Everyone, dammit. That means you and you and you and the entire population of Nigeria, Switzerland, Rhodesia, Indochina and Budapest. (Where in F... is Rhodesia, he asks?)
Just so you know, I get lots of FW ... emails from my friends, some of them old stuff, some of them retreads, lies, amusing cartoons drawn by folks who have even more time to squander than I do.
If I really wanted to get your attention, I'd post the photos of the Internet model named September Carrino. Women would be offended, I think.
I will post this cartoon instead. I have no idea where it came from. It's not all that funny anymore but if I had a nude photo of Sarah Palin, you'd be either amused or offended. Frostbite huh?
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