Peculiar if true

This is one of those made-for-CNN stories that just always seems to happen someplace in Nebraska or Kansas. It hasn't fully played out and I'll keep an eye on it.
Kansas girl says Superman lifted vehicle off her
OTTAWA, Kan. (AP) A Kansas mother is praising a neighbor as a "Superman" after her 6-year-old daughter told her he somehow found the strength to lift a car off her.
The alleged "Superman," Nick Harris, 32, insists he doesn't know how he conjured up the strength to save the girl, who didn't require much medical treatment. It's usually called adrenaline. The car somehow backed over the girl in the driveway and pinned her. Other details were not so clear, as to who was driving and how Harris happened to be nearby.
In any case, the cops think the story is legit and believe the girl, whose parents would naturally be inclined to smell a national TV camera crew heading their way.
Or the National Enquirer.
Little Ashlyn Hough becomes America's newest sensation. Fame is fleeting, Ashlyn.
As for Harris, he needs to be aware that the media can prop him up... and drop him like a golfer in a sand trap.
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